Discover & Connect

Adding MetaWear to a Project

This tutorial examines the dependencies and permissions needed for the SDK.

Section 1

What's Ahead

In this tutorial series, we will tour the SDK by writing small logic layer use case components for an app that collects sensor data.

Next, we’ll train and implement a CoreML activity classifier for writing letters in the air. (Yes, at some point we will YMCA.)

Bird art

Step 1

If you wish, you can clone a companion demo app, Streamy, that implements the components we build in this series.

Screenshot of Streamy on macOS and iOS

Step 2

This tutorial will not cover UI or write every line of an app. Our focus is simply the ins and outs of this SDK.

Streamy happens to use SwiftUI, but this tutorial series is UI framework agnostic.


struct MacApp: App {

    @NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor private var app: AppDelegate

    var body: some Scene {
        MainWindowScene(factory: .init(root: app.root))

struct iOSApp: App {

    @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor private var app: AppDelegate

    var body: some Scene {
        MainScene(factory: .init(root: app.root))

Step 3

You can also reference the source code of Metabase 5, our easy-mode app for collecting MetaWear sensor data.

Screenshot of MetaBase on macOS and iOS

Step 4

A final resource for tinkering is using the SDK’s integration test host to write one-off tests.


import XCTest
import Combine
import CoreBluetooth
@testable import MetaWear
@testable import MetaWearCpp
@testable import SwiftCombineSDKTestHost

class ExampleTests: XCTestCase {

    func test_DiscoversDeviceInfo() {

        connectNearbyMetaWear(timeout: .read) { metawear, exp, subs in
            let sut =
            XCTAssertEqual(sut.model, .motionS)

    func test_Read_LogLength_WhenPopulated() {
        connectNearbyMetaWear(timeout: .download, useLogger: false) { metawear, exp, subs in
            // Prepare
            let log: some MWLoggable = .accelerometer(rate: .hz50, gravity: .g2)
                .delay(for: 2, tolerance: 0, scheduler: metawear.bleQueue)
                ._assertLoggers([log.signalName], metawear: metawear)
                .delay(for: 2, tolerance: 0, scheduler: metawear.bleQueue)

            // Act

            // Assert
                .handleEvents(receiveOutput: { output in
                    XCTAssertGreaterThan(output.value, 1)

            // Cleanup
                .map { _ in metawear }
                ._sinkNoFailure(&subs, receiveValue: { _ in  exp.fulfill() })
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Screenshot of Streamy on macOS and iOS
Section 2

Swift Package Manager & Permissions

You can add the Swift Combine SDK to your project using Xcode’s native package dependency manager.

Bird art

Step 1

In the File menu, choose Add Package…

By default, Xcode will update the MetaWear package when minor versions are released, but not for a major release. You can also depend on a branch head or a commit.

Xcode screenshot while adding a package

Step 2

In this tutorial, we’ll use all frameworks except the one to update device Firmware.

Xcode screenshot while selecting frameworks

Step 3

Xcode will likely only add these frameworks to one of your targets. Remedy this by tapping the + icon inside the Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content section to add the same frameworks as above.


Step 4

Don’t forget to set the two Info.plist Bluetooth privacy usage descriptions. Your app will not function otherwise.

Xcode screenshot of an Info.plist with two Privacy - Bluetooth keys

Step 5

For macOS, match permissions to this screenshot. Ensure App Sandbox -> Bluetooth and iCloud -> CloudKit permissions are enabled.

Xcode screenshot while adding Capabilities selections

Step 6

For iOS, we need to check different boxes. Add Background Modes and check Uses Bluetooth LE accessories. Add iCloud, checking Key value storage.

Xcode screenshot while adding Capabilities selections
Xcode screenshot while adding a package
Section 3

The Core SDK Classes

We’ll use three core classes: MetaWear, MetaWearScanner, and MetaWearSyncStore.

When debugging, the MWConsoleLogger can visualize Bluetooth communications.

Bird art

Step 1

Let’s look at how we could wire up the SDK inside an app’s root object.


import Foundation

class Root {

    init() {


    func start() {

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Step 2

The MetaWearScanner abstracts the CoreBluetooth framework for you, finding nearby MetaWear devices. The sharedRestore singleton enables CoreBluetooth to recognize this app and vend it previously used peripherals.


import Foundation
import MetaWear

class Root {
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Step 3

To persist names, capabilities, and other data about previously connected MetaWears, the scanner and other SDK components use UserDefaults storage.

FYI - You can inspect the keys used and specify the container at UserDefaults.MetaWear.suite. By default, the SDK uses .standard.


    let scanner: MetaWearScanner

    private let localDefaults: UserDefaults

    init() {
        self.scanner = .sharedRestore
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Step 4

Apple randomizes Bluetooth device identifiers between devices. It also blocks inspecting advertised MAC addresses.

The MetaWearSyncStore allows you to stably identify MetaWears across devices by saving de-identifying metadata to iCloud key value storage, including a device’s name, serial number, and sensor capabilities. If you choose to use this feature, obtain and manage MetaWears exclusively through the sync store, rather than the Scanner.


import Foundation
import MetaWear
import MetaWearSync

class Root {
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Step 5

An iCloud key value store must be synchronized at launch to obtain the latest values.


    func start() {
        do {
            _ = cloudDefaults.synchronize()
            try syncedDevices.load()

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Step 6

When debugging, you might find the MWConsoleLogger helpful. If you set activateConsoleLoggingOnAllMetaWears to true at startup, all MetaWears will report activities (e.g., Bluetooth packets) to the console in Debug mode.

Tip If you wish to log just one MetaWear, assign a delegate conforming to MWConsoleLoggerDelegate to its logDelegate property.


        self.localDefaults = .standard
        self.cloudDefaults = .default
        MWConsoleLogger.activateConsoleLoggingOnAllMetaWears = true
        self.deviceLoader = MetaWeariCloudSyncLoader(localDefaults, cloudDefaults)
        self.syncedDevices = .init(scanner: scanner, loader: deviceLoader)
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import Foundation

class Root {

    init() {


    func start() {


Connecting to MetaWears

Learn how Streamy finds and manages both nearby and cloud-synced MetaWears.

Get started